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Oak (black)

Black oak has readily hybridized with other members of the red oak group of oaks, being one parent in at least a dozen different named hybrids. This single species' compatibility is fairly uncommon in the Quercus genus group. Black oak is seldom used for landscaping. The inner bark of the black oak contains a yellow pigment called quercitron, which was sold commercially in Europe until the 1940s.


Oak (bur)

The bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa, sometimes spelled burr oak, is a species of oak in the white oak group. Bur oak typically grows in the open, away from a forest canopy. For this reason, it is an important tree on the eastern prairies, where it is often found near waterways in more forested areas, where there is a break in the canopy. It is an excellent landscaping tree.


Oak (cherrybark)

Cherrybark oak (Q. pagodifolia) is a fairly common large tree of bottomland forests, similar to the upland Southern red oak (Q. falcata), of which it was formerly considered a variety. The cherrybark tree has heavy strong wood that makes it an excellent timber tree for furniture and interior finish. It is a commercially desirable tree and managed for various forest products.


Oak (laurel)

Laurel oak or (Quercus laurifolia) is commonly used as an ornamental tree in landscaping because of its fast growth and pleasing appearance; it is planted with little regard to soil type. The Latin "laurifolia" means laurel-leaved or having leaves like a laurel. Swamp laurel oak grows rapidly and usually matures in about 50 years, which has led to its wide use as ornamental landscaping.


Oak (live)

Live oak is a symbolic tree of the Deep South. Quercus virginiana has a squat and leaning form with a large diameter tapering trunk. The Angel Oak near Charleston, South Carolina, is a live oak that has been determined to be the oldest tree in the eastern United States at 1400 years. Live oak is the state tree of Georgia and a favorite in the coastal landscape.


Oak (Oregon white)

Oregon white oak is the only native oak in British Columbia and Washington and the principal one in Oregon. Though commonly known as Garry oak in British Columbia, elsewhere it is usually called white oak, post oak, Oregon oak, Brewer oak, or shin oak. Its scientific name was chosen by David Douglas to honor Nicholas Garry, secretary and later deputy governor of the Hudson Bay Company, 1822-35.


Oak (overcup)

Overcup oak is a medium-sized deciduous oak that is valued as a "white oak" wood. Commercial overcup oak varies extremely with every site, fire damage, and degree of insect and decay defect. It is a quite ordinary oak with a unique acorn. The large acorns with hardened cups that enclose all or most of the nut are diagnostic.


Oak (pin)

Pin oak is one of the most overused landscape oaks in the midwest and the eastern United States. The oak is popular due to an attractive pyramidal shape and straight, dominant trunk, even on older specimens and because of availability. A lot of that popularity has been challenged because of iron-deficiency chlorosis, persistent brown leaves on the tree into the winter, and a ragged look with the stubby twig "pins"


Oak (post)

The name post oak refers to the use of the wood of this tree for fence posts. Its wood, like that of the other white oaks, is hard, tough and rot-resistant. The "Maltese cross" form of the distinctive post oak leaf is a key identifier. Both the post oak and the blackjack oak are the major trees of the "Cross Timbers" area in Texas and Oklahoma. This area comprises the border where trees transition to prairie grassland.


Oak (northern red)

Any oak with pointed, bristle-tipped leaf lobes belongs to the red oak group, including Northern red oak. Red oak is the fastest growing of all oaks and when on the right site, one of the largest and longest-lived. Northern red oak is an easily transplanted, popular shade tree with good form and dense foliage. Northern red oak is well adapted to periodic fires.


Oak (nuttall)

Nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii), not distinguished as a species until 1927, is also called red oak, Red River oak, and pin oak. It is one of the few commercially important species found on poorly drained clay flats and low bottoms of the Gulf Coastal Plain and north in the Mississippi and Red River Valleys. The acorn or winter buds identify Nuttall oak, easily confused with pin oak (Q. palustris). The lumber is often cut and sold as red oak. In addition to producing timber, Nuttall oak is an important species for wildlife management because of heavy annual nut or "mast" production.


Oak (scarlet)

Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) is best known for its brilliant autumn color. It is a large rapid-growing tree of the eastern United States, found on a variety of soils in mixed forests, especially light sandy and gravelly upland ridges and slopes. Best development is in the Ohio River Basin. In commerce, the lumber is mixed with that of other red oaks. Scarlet oak is a popular shade tree and has been widely planted in the United States and Europe.


Oak (Shumard)

Shumard oak (Quercus shumardii) is one of the largest Southern red oaks. Other common names are spotted oak, Schneck oak, Shumard red oak, southern red oak, and swamp red oak. It is a lowland tree and grows scattered with other hardwoods on moist, well-drained soils associated with large and small streams. It grows moderately fast and produces acorns every 2 to 4 years that are used by wildlife for food. The wood is superior to most red oaks, but it is mixed indiscriminately with other red oak lumber and used for the same products. This tree makes a handsome shade tree.


Oak (southern red)

All the red oaks, including Southern red oak, are the most prized hardwood species in the United States. The uses of oak include almost everything that mankind has ever derived from trees - timber, food for man and animals, fuel, watershed protection, shade and beauty, tannin, and extractives.


Oak (water)

The water oak is also called possum oak or spotted oak. The oak's habitat is commonly found along southeastern North America watercourses and lowlands on silty clay and loamy soils. Water oak is a medium-sized but rapid-growing tree and is often abundant as second growth on cutover lands. Water oak is planted widely as a street and shade tree in southern communities.


Oak (white)

The white oak family members also include the bur oak, chestnut oak, and Oregon white oak. This oak is immediately recognized by rounded lobes plus the lobe tips never have bristles like red oak. White oak is less favored than red oak because it is difficult to transplant and has a slow growth rate.


Oak (willow)

The medium to large willow oak has unique willow-like foliage and is known for its rapid growth and long life. A favored shade tree, willow oak is widely planted as an ornamental. It is also a good species to plant along margins of fluctuating-level reservoirs.

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